The Committed Creative Podcast
Are you a creative who wants to make a full-time living from your passion project? Then this podcast is for you. Each week, Carmen interviews a successful creative who quit the corporate business world and made their creative dream pay.Forget navel-gazing, highfalutin creative talk, and learn actionable business steps from creative minds who have turned their creative passion into their life's work...creative work that pays good money.Forget the saying 'poor and struggling artist' and hear from artistic people who earn more than they ever did in a 'traditional' job.Brought to you by creative content strategist and PR consultant Carmen Allan-Petale, founder of Red Platypus Creative.
The Committed Creative Podcast
#67 Marketing Your Business with YouTube with Marcus Svedin
YouTube Ads Specialist, Marcus Svedin, joined me on The Committed Creative podcast this week, and gave some great insights on how to use YouTube to market and grow your business.
Marcus is the co-founder of Titan Marketer, a YouTube advertising company, and he spoke about the benefits of YouTube advertising and why it is a valuable platform for businesses.
The key takeaways Marcus shares include:
- The targeting capabilities of YouTube ads and how they can reach potential customers who are ready to buy.
- Tips for creating engaging video ads and growing a YouTube channel.
- The importance of authenticity and encourages business owners to overcome their camera shyness and start creating video content.
- Highlighting the significance of optimising landing page load speed for successful ad campaigns.
One of my favourite quotes from Marcus during this episode was, "People desire and seek out authenticity because there's so much fakeness on social media - but on YouTube it's easy to show that you're authentic."
If you've ever wanted to tap into YouTube and use it as a marketing platform, then this is the podcast to listen to!
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(Heads up - I'm a content strategist and PR consultant who helps businesses tell their stories clearly and consistently to make more conversion$.)
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**0:00:01** - (Marcus): I run a company, marketing agency. Well, not agency. Yeah. Marketing company called Tight Marketer. We specialize in YouTube advertising. Specifically. We do have an agency, but we do most like coaching. I much prefer to teach people how to do their own marketing because then they can captain their own ship. Because if you're a business, you have no traffic, whether you're online or brick and mortar, then you have no business.
**0:00:35** - (Marcus): So I'd rather be like, hey, here's how you do it. So you can, as I said, captain your own ship rather than rely on some agency who really doesn't give two hoots about your results. Yeah, so that's kind of what we do. And we started my business partner Ben and I, we started this probably back in early 2019, but we got really serious into it when I broke my break my knee. But I busted my knee. So, like, I was at a trampoline arena, death trap of a place, and I was there with my son and I forgot I wasn't 1213 years old anymore.
**0:01:28** - (Marcus): And I was jumping from one trampoline to another trampoline, and my right knee dislocated as it came down because I'm six two, almost six three, and like, oh, wow, like 95 kilos. So I'm not a small dude. And when I came down, my right knee dislocated and my ACL got cut in half, my MCL came off, my PCL got damaged, my meniscus got damaged, I did a proper job.
**0:01:51** - (Carmen): Goodness.
**0:01:52** - (Marcus): And so I'd been kind of dabbling in marketing for about three years. At that point. I was an industrial electrician as my main gig, but when I did my knee in, I was like, well, I still have to put food on the table, I still need to pay the bills. So I just started getting more into advertising marketing, and it just grew and grew and grew. And then COVID came, which crushed a lot of things, but we started doing online stuff and virtual events.
**0:02:27** - (Marcus): Now here we are and we're going strong. Got a few events coming up at the east coast of Australia next month. Well, this year, later this. Yeah, but YouTube, YouTube advertising, that's my gig. That's what I do.
**0:02:44** - (Carmen): So why YouTube? Why not another social media platform?
**0:02:49** - (Marcus): Because hardly anyone does YouTube. So if the biggest problem with these other platforms is like, your main ones, like Google Search, for example, it's very competitive, very expensive. Facebook. Everyone's doing Facebook advertising. Email marketing is not like what it used to mean. There is TikTok. I haven't really got too much into TikTok, but the main reason why I love YouTube advertising, besides the fact that hardly anyone's doing it, is the targeting, right?
**0:03:24** - (Marcus): So, like, on TikTok for Know it's, it is video advertising. And you can do video advertising on Facebook, but you can't do the targeting like can on YouTube. So, for example, on YouTube, we have a targeting method that we call the credit card out targeting process, which is basically you can target people who are looking for your product and they're ready to buy your product and they have the money to buy your product or your services.
**0:03:57** - (Marcus): So essentially on YouTube you can target people. So Google owns YouTube, right? And Google has data on everyone. Like everyone like ridiculous amount of data. So for example, it knows that I love fishing, I love diving, it knows that I love the show, knows it has a lot of information, it knows I'm married, it knows I have kids. So Google has a lot of information on us because if you visit a website and they have Google Analytics or if you're using Chrome or if you have an Android, it sees everything, right?
**0:04:37** - (Marcus): Anyways, with YouTube, I can say to Google, I want you to show my video to anyone who's visiting these websites or websites similar to these, right? So or I want you to show my video ad to anyone who's typing in these specific search terms in the Google search bar. I want you to show my video ad to anyone who's using these apps from the Google Play store. It also knows these pre built buckets of audiences who are in the market for certain products or services, right?
**0:05:30** - (Marcus): And then you can say, right, I'm going to target them, but I only want to target people who are in the top 30, 20, 10% of income owners, income earners in America or in Australia or in the UK for example, right? So you're basically able to target people who are looking to buy your product, who are interested in your product and have the money to buy your product. And then you can do that with a video ad and you get at least when if you run a skippable Instream ad, you get at least 5 seconds to talk to them before they can skip and you can say a lot in 5 seconds.
**0:06:12** - (Marcus): So that's why I prefer the YouTube ad platform over any other platform is because it's video messaging and the targeting is just there's nothing that can compare to it.
**0:06:29** - (Carmen): Awesome. And what would you say, like if you were to create a video ad for your business, what would you think are some important things that business owners need to remember to make sure that that 1st 5 seconds is truly engaging so that people don't click off the ad?
**0:06:45** - (Marcus): That's a very good question. You want to think about who your avatar is, who's your dream client, who are the people that are bringing in the most money to your business, right? And then you want to speak to them. So for example, one of our favorite types of students are people who are already running Facebook ads because they already have that advertising mentality, right? So one of my favorite hooks is, is your Facebook advertising turning your hair 50 shades of gray?
**0:07:27** - (Marcus): Maybe strike YouTube ads. Right. So just in that quick two second, three second hook, I'm speaking to someone who's doing advertising, who's doing Facebook advertising, who's going crazy with their Facebook advertising, and then I'm putting the idea of YouTube in their heads, right? All within like 3 seconds. So you need to think about who your avatar is bringing, what type of person is bringing you the most money into your business, and then script out your ad.
**0:08:02** - (Marcus): Take the first 5 seconds where you're drawing them in, you're catching their attention. So anyone who's not doing Facebook ads, they're going to kick, skip, and it's the hook. The hook's the most important part of your ad. So then you have what we call the second part of the ad, which we call the elevator pitch, right? The reason why we call it elevator pitch is just imagine you need to go to the top level of your building to pitch an idea to your boss or to ask him for a raise or whatever it may be, right? So you get in the elevator, go to the top of the building, and as the doors open, the boss gets in the elevator.
**0:08:44** - (Marcus): So then he's going down the very bottom floor. So you have from the top to the bottom, which is about, what, 20 seconds, 25 seconds from around there to pitch your idea to him. So in your ad, after your hook, you want to convince the people watching to keep watching. Right? After I say my hook, I would say, hi, my name is Marcus Fiddain from Type Marketer, and I help businesses add an additional six to seven figures to their business using simple YouTube ads just like this. In the next two minutes, I'm going to show you boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, right?
**0:09:31** - (Marcus): So just right there, I'm qualifying myself and I'm convincing them that they just pay attention for the next two minutes, whatever it's going to be, they're going to learn this, this, right? And then the third part is the story. So hook, elevator pitch story and the story, this is where you deliver the education, where you deliver the value, all right? And then the close at the very end. And what happens is a lot of people, they make the mistake when they do the close.
**0:10:00** - (Marcus): They're very bland. So they say, oh, so discover more. Just click on the link below. Click on the button below. Or to learn more or to register for the workshop or what it may be, it's very boring. You need to sell the click, right? So, for example, one of our closes is so if you'd be interested in adding an additional six to seven figures to your business using YouTube ads in the next 100 days, simply clicking the link below, we take it to a page, looks something like this.
**0:10:34** - (Marcus): Then you show like an image of the landing page that being sent to where you can register for the training or where you can book a call or whatever, maybe. So you have a four part ad hook elevator pitch where you're selling yourself for a second story, deliver value, enclose, sell the click. And that's the most important part of an entire campaign, is the actual creative. I mean, yes, the settings and the campaigns are important, but it's the actual creative that's going to generate you high quality traffic because of the messaging.
**0:11:12** - (Carmen): That's great advice. And I was just wondering, if you are a business owner, perhaps you've not been in business that long, would you need to invest in a videographer or someone to come and do a very high quality video? Or do you find that videos filmed on your iPhone or whatever get the same traction? What's it been like in your experience?
**0:11:36** - (Marcus): So people these days, they desire and they seek out authenticity because there's so much fakeness, right? So people that we have found, they become very blind to Hollywood style type ads. So you don't need super gucci video equipment, audio equipment, all that nonsense, right? We literally just use our phone to record. And if your phone doesn't have like an anti shake setting, there are things you can buy from any type of JV hi Fi or any electronic store.
**0:12:26** - (Marcus): We call it a gimbal. It's a DJI DJI or something like that. It's like an anti shake handheld device and then a microphone. So the sound is probably the most important part. So we use the Road go, two mics. They're like wireless mics. They're perfect sound. They're like a couple of $100. So seriously, a DJI Gimbal is going to probably cost you maybe $100 off of Amazon. And then a Rogo is probably cost you maybe 250. Some around there, Australian.
**0:13:06** - (Marcus): So for $350 you can have like perfect great sound. Use your phone for the video. That'd be good video. And that's it. That's all you need. And then you just get like a video editor or you can edit yourself with camtasia, whatever. But I used to get video editor and then edit it up and then that's it. It can be raw, raw videos done really well. So, for example, there's a park in front of my house and I was doing a Retargeting ad and I was literally just like holding my phone from my face and I didn't realize you kind of like looking up my nostrils.
**0:13:46** - (Marcus): So I'm just like walking through this park holding the phone, people looking up my nostrils. And it did fantastic. That ad did really well for Retargeting, right? I always say the thing done, the imperfect thing done is better than the perfect thing not done. So don't get too hung up on, oh, my ad is not perfect because no one's really going to care, to be honest. You're your biggest critic.
**0:14:20** - (Carmen): Yeah. And what is retargeting? Like you mentioned it there for those that don't know who've probably oh, man.
**0:14:29** - (Marcus): So retargeting or remarketing, however you want to call it, is basically people who come to your website, your landing page or your funnel, whatever it may be, 90% of the people aren't going to take any actions for whatever reason. For whatever reason. And most businesses, particularly those who have like an online website or who drive traffic online, a lot of times, they just let them go. They go, well, they make a purchase or they didn't sign up, or they didn't give me any phone number, whatever.
**0:15:02** - (Marcus): That's a huge mistake because they obviously came to your website for a reason and you paid for them to come to your website. So why not reach out to them again and again and again and again and again and again. Right. And you'll find that retargeting traffic, people who come back to your website from a retargeting ad are eight times more likely to convert than someone who's never heard of you before.
**0:15:33** - (Marcus): And it's the cheapest form of traffic you can get. And it's the most profitable form of traffic because they kind of already know who you are. They're already warm. Right. Whereas if you just let them go, which is what most businesses do, they just let them go and retarget them. You're literally waste leaving money on the table.
**0:15:56** - (Carmen): Wow. Yeah, that's so true. And what about having a website? Sorry, a YouTube channel that's already got lots of videos on? Is that important? Before you start putting video ads onto YouTube?
**0:16:11** - (Marcus): That's a great question as a very simple answer. No, it doesn't matter. So it's been a long time since I've done Facebook, but I'm pretty sure Facebook, you have to have a very active Facebook page and it's been a while since I've done it. But with YouTube, you don't. You can literally have brand spanking new YouTube channel, no videos, and then just upload your video ads there, and then you run your ads from there.
**0:16:35** - (Marcus): That's all it's required now.
**0:16:36** - (Carmen): And you're directing traffic, just to be clear, you're directing the traffic from that ad to your website, not your correct?
**0:16:43** - (Marcus): Correct. You can yeah. That's what you should be doing. Now, if you do have a YouTube channel and just say you have thousands of subscribers, for example, you can target those subscribers with your ads. So we have a number of investing students and photography students and finance coaches who have channels with like tens of thousands of leads. Tens of thousands of subscribers. Sorry. And we show them how to set up an audience targeting subscribers and man their subscribers buy from like crazy.
**0:17:32** - (Marcus): It's nuts because these people who subscribe to your channel, they watch your stuff, they love you. You post new video, boom, they're going to watch it. Right. So if you do have a YouTube channel with thousand subscribers, or you're planning to create a YouTube channel, it's really important that you link your channel to your ad account. So you can then import your subscriber base to your ads, to your account, and then you can advertise to your subscribers.
**0:18:05** - (Carmen): And what are some good tips for starting a YouTube channel if you've never had one before and you want to grow that subscriber base?
**0:18:15** - (Marcus): No, I started my own YouTube channel last March, and I'm by no means an expert at this. I actually have a good friend of mine who I hired as a coach to teach me this stuff. Right. So what I've done so far is a lot of people get hung up on tags and all this nonsense and whatnot. But what it really is, is you need a good thumbnail, good titles, like good video titles, head to the video titles. And basically you want to have a good what's the word?
**0:18:56** - (Marcus): View length. Right? So if you have a good CTR, so you have a good click through rate and people are staying on your video for several minutes or for at least half the time or whatever it may be, google is going to see this and they're going to promote your video more. They're going to put it out there in the suggestion section or the browse section or whatever, and you're going to get more and more traffic. So a perfect example was most of my videos would have like, I don't know, after two weeks, would have like a few hundred views, 700 views. And I had this one video about how to steal competitor traffic, how to hijack competitive traffic using YouTube ads.
**0:19:37** - (Marcus): And so I put this one out, spent time researching headlines, titles, researching my thumbnail. And after about two weeks, I had like 400, 500 views. But all of a sudden, my view graph just did like 90 degrees up into vertical. Right? And so in about maybe a week and a half from that point, I got to like 19,000 views or something like that. Yeah. I was freaking out. I was like, what's going on?
**0:20:18** - (Carmen): Amazing.
**0:20:19** - (Marcus): Yeah. But see all those people that viewed that video, all those people that subscribe? It got me like, almost a thousand subscribers. That one video. Right? Wow. But I can put my ads in front of all those people who subscribe because I've linked it to my Google Ads account. Right? Yeah. Again, I'm no means a YouTube organic SEO expert, but they do go hand in hand. So if you do have a large channel, running ads can be the most profitable running ads to your subscriber base can be the most profitable thing you'd ever do.
**0:20:53** - (Carmen): And how much does a typical ad cost to run? Or is it dependent on it's?
**0:20:57** - (Marcus): Very dependent. It depends on your targeting, depends on the competition, depends on how good your ad is. If you have a pretty terrible ad, your click through rate is going to be really low, and that means your cost per click is going to be really high and your conversion is going to be really low. So it just depends. A lot of things depends on competition, targeting and the ad quality.
**0:21:29** - (Carmen): Okay.
**0:21:30** - (Marcus): Usually if I were to give a ballpark, our targeting is probably the most sought after group of people on the planet, which is like business owners, but we spend anywhere between $2 and $6 a click. Australia, but I've had clicks as high as $27, but I had super narrow targeting, super targeted.
**0:22:11** - (Carmen): So say if you launched a YouTube channel, how often like if you want it to keep growing and getting more subscribers and so on, how often should you be uploading videos? Is there like a magic number or does it need regular maintenance like a Bullog does?
**0:22:28** - (Marcus): No. Again, I'm not a YouTube organic expert, but I did start doing once a week. But that got like with running a business. I got four kids, I was traveling. It was very difficult to do once a week. It was very difficult to do once a week, but once, twice a month. And then if you did some shorts, like YouTube shorts in between in the beginning, you may want to try and do once a week for a couple of months because what happens is Google will then come to understand what kind of channel you're running, like what kind of topics you do.
**0:23:14** - (Marcus): And so if you pump that up really quick, then Google will know who to put you in front of quicker. Right? Right now I'm probably posting every couple of weeks. I say to myself, I need to do one this week, I'll do the one this week. But then just life gets in the way and it becomes very difficult. Yeah, so it's a slow burn. Like if you look into Google organic, that is a very slow burn. Right. And it takes like most people, they go three months and they just stop it's like, oh, it's not working.
**0:23:45** - (Marcus): But you haven't gone far enough, you need to keep going, keep going, keep going. But yeah, if you can do once a week, that's perfect. It all comes down. It really comes down to how long people view your videos and what the click through rate is. So if you have a high click through rate of like five, six, 7%, and people are if the vast majority of your people are staying on your video for a few minutes at least, then that video is probably going to do pretty well.
**0:24:25** - (Carmen): And I mean, YouTube is a highly competitive platform. What are some tips to making sure your content kind of stands out from all the other videos that are on YouTube?
**0:24:38** - (Marcus): Research thumbnails, research titles and put out valuable content or good entertainment content. I mean, there's all sorts of nonsense that people watch on YouTube, but the biggest things are going to be probably your titles and your thumbnails. Just research titles and thumbnails.
**0:25:00** - (Carmen): So when you're saying research titles and thumbnails, what kind of things are you researching?
**0:25:07** - (Marcus): I'll look up other people's, so I find other people's who are in the very similar space that I am. I look at the videos, and I see, right, how many subscribers do they have? And then I find videos that have did really well, that have way more views than, say, their subscriber base or have at least, I don't know, 40, 50% views of their subscriber base, if not more. Because if I have 50,000 subscribers and I put out a video, I'm going to at least get at least 10,000 some OD views just from my subscribers.
**0:25:46** - (Marcus): Right. Whereas if I have 10,000 subscribers or if one of my competitors has 10,000 subscribers, I would say competitors, but somebody's in the same niche as me has 10,000 subscribers, and they have a video that I'm looking to do something very similar to, and that video has, like, 50,000 views or 100,000 views. Well, what kind of headline do they have? What kind of title do they have? What did their thumbnail look like?
**0:26:17** - (Marcus): What was the structure of their content? Right? Because a lot of people, they go into a video, and they kind of give away too much too quick. You want to keep people in your video as long as possible. So I just do research. I just research other people doing the same thing as me and are doing well with it, and then I just kind of model what they're doing.
**0:26:39** - (Carmen): Are there any common mistakes that YouTubers make that probably prevents them from getting as many views as they could have?
**0:26:50** - (Marcus): Um, generic titles?
**0:27:00** - (Carmen): Is it worth researching, like SEO keywords.
**0:27:03** - (Marcus): And stuff to you can but you can research SEO keywords, but Google's changed since then. Yeah, you can, for sure. And you will want to put keywords in your descriptions and that sort of thing, and tags and all that stuff. But most of your traffic today is going to come from the browse area and the suggested area because Google's going to see what kind of content you put out, and they're going to show your content. Like, if you have good content, good click through rates and view rates, they're going to put your video in front of the relevant people in the browse section.
**0:27:51** - (Marcus): And so that's where most whereas if you do, like, search my channel specializes in YouTube ads, right? I'd probably say 5% of my views come from search.
**0:28:07** - (Carmen): Okay. Yeah.
**0:28:09** - (Marcus): Whereas most of my subscribers, most of my views come from the suggested or browse. And so in that case, you want killer headlines, killer thumbnail, and then good content.
**0:28:24** - (Carmen): And what about the business owners out there who probably feel like they should be on video but don't know how to make that first step? Maybe they don't feel super comfortable getting in front of the camera. What kind of advice would you give them? Because I know a lot of business owners. They obviously have a lot of value to give, but some of them are a little bit camera shy.
**0:28:45** - (Marcus): It's easy. Just suck it up, princess. I know it's easy to say. The thing is here's the thing about doing YouTube ads, or even when you're doing content and whatnot, it's not live. It's not live if you stuff up. You just keep recording and you cut that bit out. You really cut it out. Look, your first couple of videos are going to suck, your first few ads are going to suck, your first few scripts are going to suck.
**0:29:18** - (Marcus): Okay? But you get better. You get better and better and better and better. Some of our first videos we did, our first ads, video ads we did were two in the morning in front of a dodgy looking whiteboard that we wrote on about a workshop we were running. And those ads, we didn't even have a proper script structure. We just kind of winged it. This was 2019, right. And those ads literally made us over a million dollars.
**0:29:54** - (Carmen): Wow.
**0:29:55** - (Marcus): Right. They were like five and a half minutes long, two in the morning. Like winged it. Now, as I said previously, the imperfect thing done is a lot better than the perfect thing not done. So don't worry about not being comfortable. No one's watching while you're doing it. Right. No one's watching it. It's not like a Facebook Live where if you stuff up, everyone's going to see it. If we stuff up on a video ad, we just cut it out. I mean, I don't know how many curse words and what we had for stuffing up all the time, but just do it.
**0:30:38** - (Marcus): Just do it. That's the best thing to do. There's literally no other advice that I could give that's going to help someone feel better about getting in front of the camera. The only way of getting feeling better about getting front of the camera is by getting front of the camera.
**0:30:52** - (Carmen): Yeah. Practicing.
**0:30:53** - (Marcus): Just practice. That's it. That's it. And again, no one's watching. No one's.
**0:30:59** - (Carmen): Yeah, absolutely. So do your clients mainly find you through YouTube ads these days?
**0:31:06** - (Marcus): Yeah, so most of our students and whatnot they come to us usually they want to do YouTube advertising, they want to learn how to do know. And then we sit down with a call with them and we want to know if YouTube ads will be profitable for them or not, even before they even begin, because we don't want to take someone on and yeah, and then it just doesn't work for them. We actually have a call with them to begin with, just to vet them, just to make sure that they're not going to be wasting their time or their money.
**0:31:40** - (Marcus): And probably 40% of the people that come to us, we turn away because they're just not ready. They're just not ready for YouTube ads. So we say, look, go away. Do these things make these improvements and then come back. But yeah, most people that seek us out come to us or they want YouTube ads. Yeah.
**0:31:59** - (Carmen): And are there any particular industries that work really well with YouTube ads?
**0:32:04** - (Marcus): Yep. So anyone who has a high value, like a high value client, so like, if the lifetime value of a client is like five grand plus maybe three grand plus, it can work for you. It can work for you. But if you're selling like a $97 product, probably not. If you're selling $1,000 webinar product, whatever, probably not. Unless you have like a killer close rate and a killer presentation and your sales process is just like super schmicko.
**0:32:44** - (Marcus): Yeah. You really want to have higher value clients for YouTube ads.
**0:32:50** - (Carmen): And why is that? Is that because the click through rate can be expensive?
**0:32:54** - (Marcus): Well, it's just because it's just the cost of doing it, the cost of advertising. YouTube is the quality of traffic's, the best you're probably going to find, but it's just more expensive than Facebook ads. But again, the quality from YouTube is just amazing. For example, when we run ads to our workshops, for our virtual workshops, we find that the most people who show it the most are from our YouTube ads.
**0:33:32** - (Marcus): Right. And like 75% of people who come to work with, who become our students or our clients, they come from YouTube ads. And that's because the type of marketing it is, type of advertising, it is, it's video advertising, it's the targeting, it's nuts. But yeah, high value. You want to have high value clients. So if your local business like a lawyer, doctor, GP or a dentist or an accountant, we have an accountant that works really well for them.
**0:34:11** - (Marcus): Anyone that has a high lifetime value client, for sure, that's interesting because those.
**0:34:18** - (Carmen): Professions are quite traditional, but obviously YouTube is quite.
**0:34:24** - (Marcus): Like it's getting you out there, getting you out there. So, for example, we had an agency client of ours been with us for a long time, tackle World, right? There's a franchisee here, mandra, his name's Ash, and he came to us and he's like, look, I know you guys are YouTube, can you help me? Can you help me get my message out? Yeah, sure, no worries. So we just helped him create some really just store ads sort of thing, and after about a month of doing it, things started kicking off for him. So he'd have heaps of people coming into his store saying, hey, I saw your YouTube ads, I saw your ads. He'd have people come in and say, oh, I didn't know you guys were even here.
**0:35:07** - (Marcus): And they lived just a couple miles away, I didn't know you were here. And so between the first quarter this year and the first quarter last year, the only thing he did different was add in YouTube ads. And the difference between the first quarter this year and last year is a hundred grand.
**0:35:25** - (Carmen): Wow.
**0:35:31** - (Marcus): So even if you're like a local business plumber or a roofer or whatever, if your clients are worth a lot of money, YouTube is fantastic because it gets you seen, it gets you out there. Everyone's watching YouTube, so I guarantee anyone who's listening to this podcast, your clients, your dream people, your humans are watching YouTube every day. Every day.
**0:35:59** - (Carmen): So obviously, like with that client in the fishing space, but it's so a location dependent. So were you targeting the ads to be only in the mandara area? Can you get that specific?
**0:36:10** - (Marcus): Yeah, you can do a kilometer around your house.
**0:36:14** - (Carmen): Oh, wow.
**0:36:16** - (Marcus): You can get super granular. You can get super granular. We have solar companies over east that we do like just like 50 km around Brisbane or whatever it may be. Yeah, they do YouTube ads, so you can get very granular. So you can go, I want this area code, this area code, this area code, or a radius around this area code, or this city, that city, this suburb, that suburb, this state, that state, this country. So you can get super granular or super broad.
**0:36:55** - (Carmen): Great. So if you could maybe just finish the podcast with one last bit of advice. Like, if someone is just going to start out with videos, they've got the confidence to get on camera, what's the one thing they should always remember before they hit record?
**0:37:09** - (Marcus): So that's hard to narrow down.
**0:37:12** - (Carmen): The one thing sorry, bit of a challenging question.
**0:37:16** - (Marcus): Okay. Okay. If you're going to run what? I don't care if it's Facebook ads, I don't care if it's YouTube ads, LinkedIn ads, I don't care if you're going to run ads, you need to make sure that your landing page load speed or your website load speed is 3 seconds or under. Let me tell you why. Up until early, early, like say January, February this year, right? I noticed that a lot of my, like, our conversion rates were dropped big time. I was like, what the heck's going on?
**0:38:01** - (Marcus): And so we'd have like 100 clicks and not a whole lot of conversions going on. And so I was like, well, how many people actually seeing the page? Because there's a misconception that if you've had 100 clicks, that means 100 people have seen your page. That's very wrong. So the vast majority of traffic these days comes from mobile devices. Right. And the vast majority of people these days are very impatient.
**0:38:29** - (Marcus): So if I click on your ad and your landing page on my mobile device takes five, six, 7 seconds to load, most people are going to go exit out and they're going to leave. So you've just paid for their click and they haven't even seen your page. So we would have literally lost tens of thousands of dollars, maybe even $100,000 on traffic that we were paying for, but never saw our page.
**0:39:04** - (Carmen): Wow.
**0:39:05** - (Marcus): You need to make sure if you're going to run paid ads. That your landing page load speed or your website load speed, wherever you're sending them, the load speed is 3 seconds or less, otherwise you're going to be losing 50% to 70% of all your traffic and you're going to waste so much money. That's probably the biggest thing I can say as far as advertising goes. Yeah, I think that's such a good.
**0:39:36** - (Carmen): Point because so many people don't even think about that.
**0:39:38** - (Marcus): No, they don't.
**0:39:39** - (Carmen): They don't time and energy into making YouTube videos and ads and then not get the results.
**0:39:44** - (Marcus): Exactly. So you need to make sure that that is taken care of.