The Committed Creative Podcast
Are you a creative who wants to make a full-time living from your passion project? Then this podcast is for you. Each week, Carmen interviews a successful creative who quit the corporate business world and made their creative dream pay.Forget navel-gazing, highfalutin creative talk, and learn actionable business steps from creative minds who have turned their creative passion into their life's work...creative work that pays good money.Forget the saying 'poor and struggling artist' and hear from artistic people who earn more than they ever did in a 'traditional' job.Brought to you by creative content strategist and PR consultant Carmen Allan-Petale, founder of Red Platypus Creative.
The Committed Creative Podcast
#40 The Inside Scoop on Freelancer Life with Rebekah Lambert
Rebekah Lambert is the founder of Unashamedly Creative, a business helping social entrepreneurs thrive.
There are many arms to Bek’s business - content creator, social media guru, coach, and strategy and planning services.
But Rebekah is so much more than just her business. Bek runs a wildly successful Facebook group called The Freelance Jungle which is an amazing space where freelancers feel FREE to discuss the trials and tribulations of being a sole trader.
In this podcast, we talk about:
- The need for the real-world space to feel as safe for minorities as the online space can feel.
- Bek’s innovative methods for getting work - you NEED to hear her hilarious and super creative ways of getting eyes on her business.
- Her involvement in community groups and the good work she does at bringing people together.
- That if you can do something different - and even a little bit strange - you will stand out from the crowd.
- How by proactively looking for ways to help people and giving, rather than focusing on what’s in it for you, you’re bound to get further with your business.
- That if you take constructive criticism personally in business, you’ll struggle to thrive.
- How freelancers need to understand their boundaries to ensure they get the most out of their work/life balance.
- How we can reduce ableism in the workplace - which means excluding people because they have a disability, are neurodiverse, or are in some other way ‘different’.
- How so many people become freelancers because they feel the traditional working environment is unsafe for them and makes them feel anxious.
- How to manage clients as a freelancer.
- How community groups can give you the chance to see how other people solve problems and make you feel as though you’re not alone - because you’re not.
- The steps to running a successful Facebook group.
If you want to learn more about Bek, you can check her out at her website, or on Instagram, and you can join The Freelance Jungle here.
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