The Committed Creative Podcast

#25 Working on the Road with Martina Donkers

July 14, 2022 Season 2 Episode 10

Today I’m sharing an interview with my friend and peer Martina Donkers, who I met online through a Facebook group called Freelance Jungle.

Martina is an evaluator and grant writer who has worked on some major impactful projects all around Australia, and has won tens of millions of dollars for her clients through her epic grant writing.

I can speak from experience because Martina has also worked on our own grants in the past, so I know how good her work is firsthand.

In this podcast, we talk about:

  • How Martina found her zone of genius as a grant writer and how she’s recently added to her expertise by doing a Masters in Evaluation
  • How Martina runs her business from the road - she’s currently travelling around Australia, sleeping in her car, while making an impressive salary!
  • What Martina did when she had a year of global travel planned and then the pandemic hit.
  • How Martina connects with her clients and how they support and encourage her lifestyle.
  • Amazing tips for creatives wanting to apply for their own grants and win funding.
  • How Martina works hard to get her work/life balance right so she can do the things she loves while working a job that lights her up.
  • ADHD and how Martina’s diagnosis late last year has changed the way she treats herself.
  • How Martina manages her ADHD while running a super successful freelance career.

You can find Martina on LinkedIn and Instagram.


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